Safely Taking Your First Poop Postpartum
Tips to keep your lady parts happy after vaginal or cesarean birth. One of the fears most mothers have after giving birth is making their first bowel movement. Birth, no matter if it happens vaginally or via the belly, usually involves stitches. The idea of passing a bowel motion after all the change that has […]
Healing SI Pain
How to take care of the pain in your behind. Let’s talk Pregnancy problems – we’re starting a mini-series on common pregnancy problems and safe & effective ways to improve them. The Sacroiliac Joint, also called the SI joint is one of the most stable joints in the body. It helps transfer load from our […]
Squatting for Birth
Does Squatting live up to all the hype? The easy answer based on research and personal clinical experience is – no, for most women in developed countries.A study of almost 20,000 in Sweden found that squatting increased the risk of 4th degree perineal tears. The lithotomy position (laying on back with feet raised in stirrups) […]
How to Stop Peeing During a Workout
Are panty liners a staple in your gym bag? It’s a common misconception that pelvic floor issues like bladder leakage, pelvic pain or painful sex only affect pregnant and postpartum women. Which is why it comes as a shock to many that pelvic floor dysfunction among young, nulliparous (who’ve never had children) elite athletes varies […]
Too Tight for Birth?
Can a knotted up Pelvic Floor affect your chances of birthing vaginally? The Pelvic Floor is like any other muscle group in that, to work well it must have good strength and good flexibility (besides other factors like hydration and good nutrition). When one or both of these conditions are not met, the muscle in […]
Healing Your Core Right
Here are our favorite traditional and science-backed Belly Binding tips from our Pelvic Floor Therapist! You may have read all the things not to do when healing your core postpartum, but how about all the things you should do? Let’s take a look at a simple practice that can help heal your core – belly […]
Here’s What Your Diastasis Recti Program is Wrong About!
Diastasis Recti Recovery done right! Learn tips from a Pelvic Floor Therapist to restore your core the right way
Building Your Village
Life prepares a woman for a lot of things – but one area that receives little attention is the emotional transition of one’s previous self to that of a Mother. While stepping into motherhood, most women experience an identity shift from being responsible for just their own needs, to caring for a beautiful, delicate new […]
Caring for “Down There” After Vaginal Birth
Learn how to take care of your pelvic floor after vaginal birth.
Pesky Pregnancy Leg Cramps & What to Do About Them
As always we’ve got your back, and crampy legs! Your Pelvic Floor Therapist does so much more than treat *just* your pelvis. Sujata Martin, MS OT, treats use a whole-person model in the care she provides, rather than just focusing on one body part. Her clients benefit from her expertise in managing overall physical discomfort […]