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Safely Taking Your First Poop Postpartum

Tips to keep your lady parts happy after vaginal or cesarean birth.

One of the fears most mothers have after giving birth is making their first bowel movement. Birth, no matter if it happens vaginally or via the belly, usually involves stitches. The idea of passing a bowel motion after all the change that has happened “down there” can make even an experienced mother nervous about affecting healing. Mothers who have cesarean births may be more nervous about disrupting their stitches when bearing down to push their bowel movements out.

We also know moms are usually strapped for time, so we made 2 videos to go over all the strategies to help you with protecting your pelvic floor after birth. The first video gives a detailed explanation of *all* the strategies to have worry-free poops. But we also made a shorter version to get you started today.

Scroll to the bottom of the page for the short & sweet version! Be sure to subscribe to our channel and bookmark the longer video so you can come back & watch it.

Here’s the detailed video for tips to keep your cesarean stitches and perineum (area between your vagina and anus) safe when sitting on the toilet to empty your bowels & bladder. Mothers who birthed by cesarean use a similar strategy, but with a slight modification as explained in the first video.

The video gives a summary of :
– common birth tears
– how to make peeing less painful post birth
 how to protect your vaginal or cesarean stitches when pooping (for the first time & the first 4-6 weeks postpartum depending on your healing)
– tips to make stool softer and easier to pass
– breathing strategy to make pushing easier
– positioning on toilet for less pressure on perineum
– why we love toileting stools like the squatty potty

Some additional tips for easier BMs

  Increase hydration and fiber intake to keep bowel movements soft & easy to pass.
– Add a drop of peppermint oil in the toilet bowl to help with relaxation of the pelvic floor. Inhale the peppermint scent in deeply, and exhale slowly as you allow the BM to release.
– Put your phone away when on the toilet, and don’t sit for longer than 2 minutes.

Do you have other concerns about your postpartum healing? Reach out and we’ll be happy to help you feel more confident and at ease.


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