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Natural Infertility Treatment

Learn how a medication-free treatment can improve infertility naturally, or with IUI and IVF .

Infertility is a difficult journey for couples with dreams of growing their family. Many patients at our Tampa Bay clinic have gone through multiple cycles of Intra-uterine insemination (IUI) and In vitro Fertilization (IVF) before learning of our specialized medication-free fertility treatment – The Martin Method for FertilityTM . Unlike medicated fertility cycles with a reproductive endocrinologist, The Martin Method for FertilityTM comes with no side-effects and a much more affordable price tag. 

Contact us today to learn more about our all-inclusive fertility support program – 
The Martin Method for FertilityTM.

 The Martin Method for FertilityTM use osteopathic manual therapy techniques that has been proven to increase chances of conception naturally and with In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI). Additionally, The Martin Method for FertilityTM provides care recipients with a structured home program including diet changes, meditation tracks, self massage instructions, and exercise recommendation to maximize chances of successful conception. 

Read on to understand what this treatment entails and how it help you conceive.

How can Osteopathic Manual therapy support Fertility?

In the United States, Osteopathic Manual Therapy (OMT) techniques are used by Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Licensed Massage Therapists, and other health & rehabilitation professionals with advanced training in these techniques. Sujata Martin, our pelvic floor specialist, has advanced training in the osteopathic manual therapy techniques of visceral manipulation and lymphatic drainage

Through these manual therapy techniques, our pelvic floor specialist, helps to correct any positional imbalances around the reproductive organs. These techniques also improve blood & lymphatic circulation around the reproductive system of both women & men – with improvements expected in egg quality, sperm quality, and chances of embryo implantation.

Don’t take our word for it! Below is the latest research showing the effectiveness of this infertility treatment that comes with no side effects.

Click through the pictures below to see research findings about the effectiveness of osteopathic manual therapy to support fertility with timed intercourse, and with fertility treatments like Intra-uterine insemination (IUI) and In-vitro Fertilization (IVF).

Who can benefit from this Treatment?

Both women & men can benefit from OMT for Fertility. Treatment for female patients is focused on improving positioning of & circulation to the uterus, tubes & ovaries. Women who have experienced the following conditions may see most benefit:

~ Recurrent pregnancy loss
~  Recurrent implantation failure
~ Secondary infertility
~ Unexplained infertility
~ Endometriosis
~ PCOS and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
~ Lower abdominal & pelvic surgery (for fibroids, cysts, D&Cs)

The most common issues that lead to infertility in men are related to the function of the testicles. By using visceral mobilization and lymphatic drainage, our pelvic floor therapist improves circulation to and from the testicles, thereby improving their function. 

Our treatments are especially helpful for men diagnosed with:
~ varicoceles
~ male factor infertility
~ erection and/or ejaculation difficulties

Why have I not heard of this Fertility Treatment before?

Visceral Manipulation or Visceral Mobilization is an advanced practice osteopathic manipulation technique requiring extensive self-study and hands-on education for a licensed health care provider. Most insurance companies do not include it as a covered healthcare service. Due to these reasons, few rehab practitioners pursue the additional training required to practice this  technique.

Another factor to consider is the low degree of inter-professional education that healthcare professionals receive during their medical training. Unfortunately, most Physicians, including Reproductive Endocrinologists, Functional Medicine doctors, and Naturopaths, may not fully aware of how Osteopathic Manual Therapy can assist their patients conceive .

Can I use Manual Therapy for Fertility during an IUI or IVF cycle?

Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)medications can cause inflammation and discomfort in a large majority of women. Due to this, its best to use Visceral Mobilization between treatment cycles. However, you can definitely use this manual therapy technique during a cycle, before the implantation in both IUI and IVF.
For those used timed intercourse, you can maximize your chances by starting Visceral Mobilization after the bleeding phase of your menstrual cycle.

osteopathic manual therapy used for infertility, pain and inflammation

How many sessions will I need?

The recommended frequency is 1 session every week from week of ovulation for a month, followed by 1 session a month for 2 months. This is general guideline, and often is not realistic when coordinating treatments with IUI and IVF cycles, in which case any treatments you receive will help maximize your chances of success.
After completion of the recommended cycle, many of our clients choose to continue care for maintaining the gains from previous sessions. 

We also have cared for patients travelling from outside Tampa Bay, and have created intensive daily treatment plans over a 5 day period for them. Please enquire about your specific fertility support needs.

Are there any side-effects to this treatment?

Visceral Mobilization uses a combination of external and internal myofascial release and lymphatic drainage over your belly and pelvis. The internal vaginal mobilization is an especially useful treatment for women with blocked tubes. 

Both the internal and external pelvic treatment is pain-free for men & women. Some women may experience some soreness after treatment similar to that experienced after a workout or deep tissue massage. Treatment almost never causes pain or other side-effects needing medical care.

Have any other questions related to Fertility or Pregnancy?

Pelvic Soul Pelvic Therapy continues to be the best-rated Pelvic Floor Therapy practice in Tampa Bay. We can help you get on the right track with conception, pregnancy wellness and postpartum recovery. Call (813) 563-1585 to claim your complimentary consult.


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